Thursday, June 21, 2012's that summer reading coming along?  Not so great...well I understand.  Sometimes the hardest thing about reading outside of school is that you are, well, OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL!!!  No, really, all joking aside, we teachers know that trying to wade through literature in the middle of July can be an almost inhuman task, especially when there are no teachers to ask questions of and no other students to discuss the books with...

Well, your search is over!  This blog will make your summer reading assignments so much more worthwhile, and you will be able to have that feeling of discussion and information that you would normally get inside the classroom.  It will be like having ME right there beside you...all summer...reading and talking with you...isn't this exciting!  :-)

But wait, there's more!  If you faithfully follow and participate in this blog (that means signing up as a follower and posting at least 2 comments a week--yes, I will be monitering this) then you will receive extra credit on your essays that you turn in on the first day of school!

So, check out the reading schedule to the right, and go get your books and let's start this Journey...oh, come on, you know I had to get that in here somewhere, right?


  1. Hi! I finished my books!!! 1000+pages!!! I LOVED Jane Eyre!!!...if you want some fun summer beach books to read or borrow let me know!! Happy Summer..peace

  2. Arianna, so glad to hear you loved the books!

  3. Hi Mrs. Gorham! I am a little bit confused about the reading prompt. On the things to remember, it doesn't say to use MLA format. Also on the front page it says to reflect a Christian view in the paper, does this mean that I can write my essay with my own opinions? Using words such as: my, I, we, you? Thank you!!

    1. Jordi, you are right that the assignment doesn't specifically say MLA format, yet all the instructions are things that are part of MLA format! Well, suffice it to say that MLA format is what we want you to follow. As regards the personal seems difficult to talk about something that feels personal, like a Christian Worldview, without using personal pronouns, however, it is very possible. Consider the fact that if you are asserting the way a concept, action, or thought relates to Christ, or Christian doctrine or behavior, you are asserting a truth or fact, even if you feel like it is just your opinion or understanding. Treat everything as fact in your paper. The reader will understand that it is YOUR fact without having to say ME, or I. Does this help?

    2. Yes, thank you so much! :)
