Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fun with the Gatsby's, Great Gatsby the Video Game

Great Gatsby Comics:

These caricature comics puts Gatsby and his goons as high upper class, stiff lips.(All of these were done by Kate Beaton, a  respected Canadian illustrator)

Why role does Tom's and Daisy's child play in the story?
How does the comics portray it? Accurately?

Do people like Gatsby for reasons, we'd disagree with? What is your opinion of Gatsby? 

Why do they like each other? Are they perfect for each other? Perhaps not?

What is the style of the comics? Is it accurate, or overdramatized? 
Why is Gatsby drawn to Daisy?

That's right Everyone. Great Gatsby the Video game.

Battle the evil eyeglasses! (Nintendo Style for the NES)

Here is a stupid question: What do you think Fitzgerald would have thought about the video game?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Few Words About the Essays

There have been a few questions recently about the essay, specifically format and prompt related questions.  Please refer to the Summer Reading Assignment for the specific prompt choices for each book.  If you no longer have a copy of this assignment, or never got one, please refer to the bottom of this blog page where there is a quick and easy link to the PDF version.  At the end of the assignment are a few quick guidelines and reminders about MLA format, but if you have any more questions about MLA format, please visit the MLA website or the Purdue Owl website for further instructions.  Any more specific questions about this can be directed to me or Mr. Rea or Ms. Thomas.

Happy Writing!